Hi, I'm Maggie

I help new parents resolve old patterns and step into parenthood with
more energy, less guilt and empowered with the tools they need for their families to thrive.

book your free 15-minute mom consult

As a mom I understand the pressure
to be perfect

I know what it feels like to almost burn out trying to do it all. To believe I should know how to do everything by myself without help from anyone. To compare myself, worry if I'm doing it right.

Keeping up with society's unrealistic expectations left me drained. And it didn't make me a better mom.

My own journey of self-discovery after baby allowed me to understand my own childhood wounding and where it was showing up in my parenting. I realized as much as I didn't want to repeat old familial patterns, it was almost automatic, until I chose to slow down and look closer.

Building a deeper awareness of my own unconscious patterns has allowed me to understand why I get so triggered, what to do and how to have more empathy. Mind-body and breath tools have been essential in creating more space to hold the challenging moments for myself and my child.

Where I guide you to go in therapy and coaching are places I've been myself on my own inner journey.
And the tools I teach you are ones I practice myself.

My hope is to help you know yourself more deeply, where you get stuck and how to get unstuck,
so you can guide your children as they need and also show up for yourself.
With this kind of conscious parenting, I believe our children will grow to be cooperative, confident and emotionally aware adults.

I'm dedicated to helping parents feel good about themselves and the kids they are raising.

Book your free 15-minute mom consult

The woman you were before you became a mom still matters

i understand the identity crisis you're going through

Remember the freedom you had before you had your baby? If you wanted to get your hair done, you picked the next available appointment.

If you wanted to sleep in late because you went to a concert or were out late, you did.

Impromptu coffee dates with girlfriends? All the time! The ease with which you left your house was extraordinary!

And now? Well, now is not then and it never will be again. Maybe you mourn the old you. Maybe you've fully transitioned into motherhood. Maybe you're having a hard time remembering what your dreams were before you became a mom.

What I provide for you is a safe space to remember the dreams you had before you became a mom. Or to create new ones that embody the wholeness of the woman you've become since having a family.

Therapy for Mind, Body, Spirit

Qualifications and Experience

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker, #74474
  • Talk therapy modalities include:  
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    Dialectical Behavioral Skills 
    Young Schema Therapy
    Clinical Foundations in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Levels 1 and 2
  • Certified yoga teacher and have been practicing for over 15 years
    Training includes
    200 hr Yoga Teacher Training;  
    Yin Yoga training levels 1 and 2
    Yoga for Self-Regulation and Trauma

Ready to start feeling confident in motherhood?

Follow these 3 easy steps


Book your consult

Click the link below. Pick a day and time that works for you. An email confirmation will be sent to your email so you can add the call to your calendar.


We'll talk

This is your opportunity to share your struggles and expectations for therapy. Ask as many questions as you need to move forward.


Feel empowered

Get the emotional support you deserve and feel confident as a mom. Learn how to turnlife's messes into opportunities for yourself and your life!
Book your free 15-minute mom consult

Yes, therapy works

And more answers to common questions

Will I ever feel better?

Yes.  Motherhood is a bumpy road.  So it's just as important to learn how to get through the hard days as it is to learn to relish in your joy.  As long as you're willing to try a new way and you keep showing up, you will feel better.

How does therapy work?

Therapy offers you a safe space to talk about problems that are overwhelming you and making life hard. This is a space for you to better understand who you truly are and who you are becoming as a parent. Together you'll create a plan that guides you to know what to do when you are overwhelmed and find confidence in motherhood.

Maggie draws from a background in mindfulness based cognitive behavioral therapy, and attachment based therapy.
She integrates mind and body based approaches tailored to your particular needs. She will help you make practical yet profound changes and tools that into your lifestyle.  

How much is therapy?

$175 per 50 minute session
Sliding scale available based on economic need. Contact Maggie for details.

How long are sessions?

50 minutes

Do you take insurance?

Yes I take Cigna and Aetna insurance.

I can also provide a super-bill upon request for PPO plan reimbursement. Inquire with your insurance company to see if they accept super-bills.

Book you free 15-minute phone consult